Save the dates!

Call for presentations at this Orphan Film Symposium will be posted here June 15.

NYU Tisch School of the Arts, Department of Cinema Studies, and its Moving Image Archiving and Preservation Program again present three days and four nights of screenings, presentations, and discussions about rare and rediscovered orphan films. All events at Museum of the Moving Image in Astoria, Queens, New York.
As in Plato's Symposium the theme will be love. Love in the many senses of the word -- romantic, spiritual, filial, physical, religious, parental, empathic. Love of: others, humanity, planet, country, place, family, animals, food, pleasure, art, peace, learning. Or as Plato might say agápe, eros, philía, and storgē.
And what of love's inverses and opposites?
Cinephilia itself opens the door to all kinds of films. Among the orphan categories, many relate to love: amateur films and home movies; advocacy films; works by religious or charitable organizations; romance and melodrama; erotica, porn, dating do's and dont's; advertising and animation; patriotic pictures; cult films; movies for children.
What films have inspired love (or hate)?
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