Marsha Orgeron with Christa Fuller, 3/29/08.
+Sam's 16mm Bell & Howell.
One of the animating presences at Orphans 6 was Christa Lang Fuller, widow of director Sam Fuller. Thanks to the Academy Film Archive, we were able to screen the newly preserved film Sam Fuller entitled V-E+1, May 9, 1945. Preservationist Mark Toscano also brought along a newly printed color reel shot by the future filmmaker sometime in 1945 (one Kodachrome camera roll, one Agfa).
Christa brought with her the very 16mm camera that Sam used to film these. It was a popular object. After the presentation, lots of fans got their pictures taken holding the apparatus.
Mar 31, 2008
Fuller follow-up
10:08 PM
Mar 26, 2008
It's over! (wah)
(Orphans 6 + 1)
Such a party.
Dennis James plays the grand at an Orphans 6 reception. (Yes, that's the Empire State Building in the background.) Photo:
The consensus is that the 6th Orphan Film Symposium was a success, if the words and smiles of 300+ people from the archival, academic, artistic, curatorial, creative, industrial, technologic, museological, and collecting collective are any evidence.
From the concluding film of the symposium (Helen Hill's Tunnel of Love) to the pies in the face bestowed upon the symposium director/blogger, there was an abundance of love. Much more on events of the symposium/conference/festival of March 26-29 day by day.
Tomorrow we can discuss the possible interpretations of Melinda Stone's newly-penned Orphans anthem "Everyone Needs a Hoe."
A dozen grad. students at the event kept a 'live blog' flowing. Look for it to grow.
James Bond preps projection prints.
Photo: Priya Sen
1:11 PM
It's here!
(o days left til O.)
Here's the tech run-down for the opening program.
Tribute to Helen Hill
8:00 pm • Wednesday • March 26, 2008 • Cantor Film Center
Formats: 35mm (2x), 16mm (13x), DigiBeta (3x), audio CD (1x)
all films = Academy aspect ratio
mic: Welcome, Dan Streible
(1v) Orphans 6 Trailer by Bill Morrison [DigiBeta 3 MINS., sound]
mic: Dan Streible
(2) Interview outtake, Orphan Ist. 16mm, sound, 3 MINS.
(3) Madame Winger Makes a Film 16mm, sound, 10 MINS.
mic: John Canemaker
mic : Bill Brand, Sorensen and/or Resnick
(4) Rain Dance 16mm, sound, 4 MINS.
mic: Peter Limburg
(5) Helen La Belle 35mm, sound, 14 MINS.
go straight to
(6) Vessel 16mm, sound, 6 MINS.
mic: John Porter
(7) Phil’s Film Farm 16mm, SILENT, 10 MINS.
mic: Award presentations Kissel, Courtney
Uman (8) Removed (1999, Naomi Uman) 16mm, sound, 6 MINS.
Kinder (9) Grandfather (2008, Jimmy Kinder) 16mm sd, 3 MINS.
mic: Haden Guest
(10) Mouseholes 16mm, sound, 8 MINS.
mic: Courtney Egan
(11) Termite Light 16mm, SILENT, 3 MINS.
(12v) Cleveland Street Gap DigiBeta, sound, 3 MINS.
mic: Kelli Hix: * Keep mic open for autoharp accompaniment
(13) Home Movie Day New Orleans 16mm, SILENT, 4 MINS.
2 mics: Pistol Pete & Rayna sing two songs (with 1 guitar)
MIC STAND (stage or by piano?)
mic: Kara Van Malssen & Dwight Swanson
(14) [Helen Hill’s Home Movies] 16mm, silent, 5-7 MINS.
(18-24fps, all OK speeds)
mic: George Ingmire
(15) Think of Me First as a Person 35mm, sound, 10 MINS.
#16 is a MAYBE.
(16) [blowup of flood-damaged film] 16mm, silent, 4 MINS.
* PLAY WITH audio CD (Helen’s voice, 2006) 4 MINS.
mic: Kevin & Becky Lewis
(17v) Quacks (1981) DigiBeta, sound, 3 MINS.
Then go straight to
(18) Scratch and Crow 16mm, sound, 4 MINS.
mic: Dan Streible
1:06 AM
Mar 23, 2008
about the Cantor Film Center
(only 3 days left....)
All of the sessions of the 6th Orphan Film Symposium convene in the Cantor Film Center.
Like most everyone else, in the 1990s the university took this 600-seat art house cinema and subdivided it into smaller auditoria. Orphans 6 meets upstairs (room 200, technically). We will have 309 seats (and the fire marshal will not let person #310 into the room).
The large projection booth will offer us 35mm changeover projectors + the imported Eastman 52 model 16mm projector (the latter courtesy of James Bond and Full Aperture Systems of Chicago). The symposium also will show DigiBeta and BetaSP video (with a swell new Christie video projector), as well as DVDs and lots of computer projection.
We'll even host a live video iChat with orphanistas in The Exploratorium in San Francisco. Apple has loaned us some very nice new Mac technology.
10:20 AM
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