Gentle colleagues: June 2022 greetings.
It's been two years since this blog was updated, but only because the whole Orphan Film Symposium (and blogging) enterprise moved to an NYU site in the Before Times: You can also get there using the simple URL that doesn't look like one:
Just to make sure the news reaches into previous channels, here's word of the 2022 biennial NYU Orphan Film Symposium. Our theme: Counter-Archives. The location: Concordia University in Montreal, a place we will refer to as Tiohtià:ke, using the indigenous name from the real Before Times. Our modus operandi remains as it was upon its launch at the University of South Carolina in 1999: four nights and three full days of screening neglected films and presentations by archivists, scholars, and artists.
Here's how to see it.
1. Register your name, affiliation (or independence), and email address using the NYU Orphan Film Symposium registration portal. Type in $0 in payment (or a pay-what-you-will donation). If you make no payment, you will not get an automatic email confirmation. However, we will email a PASSWORD to all registrants on Tuesday, June 14. And again June 15. Use this password to log-in to the Live Event (as Vimeo calls it). If you previously registered, no need to do that again.
2. The password will work during all sessions, June 15-18, 2022. Go to the NYU Cinema Studies Vimeo home, Click on the Live Event for Orphans 2022, enter the password.
The symposium is designed as an in-person, live, in-the-theater experience. The webcast will not be integrated into flow of the program. However, most spoken presentations and individual films/files will be streamed live.
For now, we can say that the Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday 8:00pm screenings will be streaming (with a couple of short exceptions).
Wednesday, June 15, by 8:30pm, the Making Counter-Archives screening (8 films, 57 minutes) will play, followed by a 45-minute roundtable featuring Artists in Residence with the Archive/Counter-Archive Project.
- Federica Foglia, Innesti Neri e Bianchi [White and Black Grafts] (2022)
- Jean-Pierre Marchant, A Life on the Borderlands (2021)
- Sharon Isaac & Kelsey Diamond, Thunder Rolling Home (2019)
- Pamila Matharu, stuck between an archive and an aesthetic (2019)
- Jennifer Dysart, Caribou in the Archive (2019) and Revisiting Keewatin Missions (ca. 1952)
- Chris Chong, Propaganda (2021-22)
- Nada El-Omari, Yaffa (2019)
- Nadine Valcin, Origines (2021)

Brian Meacham (Yale Film Archive) introduces outtakes from James Baldwin: From Another Place (Sedat Pakay, 1973) filmed in Istanbul, 1970.
NB. This Blogger site for the symposium remains up to keep access to its 14 years of publication. But it is seldom updated. New material originates at the NYU site.