Apr 21, 2014

Juilan Ross report on Orphans 9 now online at Desistfilm's web•log.

The manifesto for the online magazine Desistfilm says its creators are interested in film that "surpasses the frontiers of convention, that promotes a vision of what cinema gives to our lives, how it changes us, how it questions us, how it confronts us." 

In addition to a quarterly magazine format, Desistfilm hosts a Web log.  It's multilingual. ("El blog de desistfilm es parte de un proyecto mayor: la revista digital desistfilm.") 

From Amsterdam, Julian Ross publishes this well-illustrated report on the 9th Orphan Film Symposium.


Frame scanned from 16mm print of On the Way to India Consciousness, I Reached China (Henry Francia, 1968). Courtesy of the filmmaker's estate, as well as Benedict Olgado, the National Film Archives of the Philippines, Bill Brand, BB Optics, Pacific Film Archive. 

