Feb 19, 2016

Renewly synchronized films of 1913

Jerry Fabris (museum curator at the Edison National Historical Park) & George Willeman (Library of Congress) have teamed up to do some digital synchronization on a half dozen films made in 1913 using Edison Kinetophone technology.  

For the first time, the Edison cylinders (from the national park) have been digitized and now married to picture elements taken from the 35mm films housed at Library of Congress. 

Hear and see at the 10th Orphan Film Symposium! 


Feb 1, 2016

Orphans X: Tours of the National Audio-Visual Conservation Center, April 6, 2016

See and Hear
the grand workings of the LOC A-V operations. 

On Mount Pony.

Orphan Film Symposium attendees arriving on the afternoon of Wednesday, April 6, are welcome to tour the Library of Congress Packard Campus for Audio-Visual Conservation starting at 3:00 pm. Library staff will guide us through all three preservation labs (audio, video, and film), as well as storage vaults, the data center, and other aspects of the collections. 

The symposium kicks off Wednesday evening with a screening at 8:00 pm.

Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, the symposium runs from 9:30 am through the evening. 

Register now for the discounted rate -- and while seats remain. 
