• Saturday • May 5, 2012 • Clairidge Cinema • 7:30 pm
A one-time-only event. The Montclair (New Jersey) Film Festival is calling this The What-Is-It? Stand-up comedians Rory Albanese and Adam Lowitt (executives on The Daily Show) host and comment on a collection of strange and esoteric film clips. The event is co-presented by the Orphan Film Symposium, an organization dedicated to preserving neglected films including educational shorts, home movies, amateur productions & more. Orphans curator Dan Streible is assembling a collection of bizarre, surprising and unforgettable works for Rory and Adam to give their comic interpretations.
Apr 30, 2012
Orphan films meet The Daily Show shtick at Montclair Film Festival
This event is SOLD-OUT. (There may be a limited number of tickets released to the rush-line the day of the screening, 15 minutes before showtime.)
10:19 AM
Orphans 8 Trailer #1 (Russell Sheaffer)
Russell Sheaffer, on his spring break of 2012, while a PhD student at Indiana University, made this trailer for Made to Persuade, the 8th Orphan Film Symposium, hosted by NYU and Museum of the Moving Image.
10:18 AM
Apr 27, 2012
Orphans 8 Trailer #3 (Kelly Haydon)
Kelly Haydon's trailer for Made to Persuade, the 8th Orphan Film Symposium.
1:48 AM
Apr 26, 2012
Liking HIGH BROW publishing this by Maggie Hennefeld
Currently rated "Most Popular" article in High Brow Magazine, a report on this Orphan Film Symposium thing. (Thanks Maggie H.)
Highbrowmagazine.com tells us that Maggie Hennefeld is a PhD student in Brown University's Modern Culture and Media program. Her dissertation is entitled “The Politics of Film Comedy: From Vaudeville to Terrorism.”
11:27 PM
Apr 22, 2012
Attending Orphans 8 (x 300+)
Who came to the symposium? This is a first accounting.
Did we leave someone off the list?
- Adrian Rothschild (Milestone Film and Video)
- Adrianne Finelli (U of Michigan)
- Adrienne Henry (NYU Cinema Studies)
- Adrienne Mancia (Abu Dhabi Film Festival)
- Alana Miller (Museum of Modern Art)
- Albert Steg (Center for Home Movies)
- Alexandra Huzsvai (NYU)
- Alice Lovejoy (U of Minnesota)
- Alice Moscoso (NYU Libraries)
- Alicia Kubes (NYU MIAP)
- Allyson Nadia Field (UCLA)
- Amy Sloper (Harvard Film Archive)
- Andrea Callard (artist)
- Andrew Grablewski (Queens College)
- Andrew Lampert (Anthology Film Archives)
- Andrew Miranda (NYU Steinhardt Music: Program in Film Scoring)
- Andrew Simpson (Catholic University of America)
- Andrew Watson (Society for Moving Images about Built Environment)
- Anke Mebold (Deutsches Filminstitut - DIF)
- Ann Harris (George Amberg Film Study Center)
- Anna McCarthy (NYU Cinema Studies)
- Anne Wells (Chicago Film Archive)
- Annette Groschke (Deutsche Kinemathek)
- Anthony Sherin (filmmaker)
- Antonia Lant (NYU Cinema Studies)
- Ashley Blewer (U of South Carolina)
- Ashley Smith (Stockholm U)
- Audrey Young (Cineteca Nacional México)
- Ben Moskowitz (NYU Libraries Preservation Dept.)
- Biff McKeldin (NYU Libraries)
- Bill Brand (BB Optics; Hampshire College)
- Bill Ferehawk (SMIBE.ORG, Radiant Features)
- Bill Morrow (Footage File)
- Bill Seery (The Standby Program)
- Bill Simon (NYU Cinema Studies)
- Bing Wang (NYU Cinema Studies)
- Bob Strauss (The MediaPreserve)
- Bob Summers (Film/Audio Services)
- Benny Olgado (NYU MIAP)
- Brad Fazzone (NYU MIAP)
- Brent Phillips (Fales Library)
- Brian Belovarac (Janus Films)
- Brian Graney (Center for Home Movies)
- Bruno Guarana (NYU)
- Bryce Renninger (Rutgers/indieWIRE/Newfest)
- Caitlin Hammer (NYU MIAP)
- Carl Goodman (Museum of the Moving Image)
- Carlos Medina (Universidad del Este, UNE-SUAGM)
- Carmen Pagan (Universidad del Este)
- Carol Swain (NARA)
- Caroline Martel (filmmaker, Concordia U)
- Carolyn Faber (School of the Art Institute of Chicago)
- Casey Scott (NYU)
- Catherine Jurca (CalTech)
- Cathy Holter (NYU Cinema Studies)
- Charles Musser (Yale University)
- Chris Banuelos (NYU MIAP)
- Chris Straayer (NYU Cinema Studies)
- Christine Gledhill (NYU Cinema Studies)
- Christopher Insignares (NYU)
- Chuck Workman (filmmaker)
- Cindi Rowell (New Yorker Films)
- Colin Beckett (Icarus Films)
- Craig Kridel (University of South Carolina)
- Crystal Kui (George Eastman House)
- Crystal Sanchez (NYU MIAP)
- Dan Friedlaender (Temple U)
- Dan Streible (NYU)
- Dana Polan (NYU Cinema Studies)
- Daniel Eagan (writer)
- Daniel Erdman (NYU MIAP)
- Danielle Ash (dashamation)
- Daphna Jaglom (NYU Cinema Studies)
- Dave Davidson (City College of New York)
- Dave Rice (CUNY)
- David Burch (Atlas Media Corp.)
- David Dinnell (Ann Arbor Film Festival)
- David Everard (Schueler-Everard Film and Photograph Preservation)
- David Francis (Indiana U)
- David Litofsky (music/visual consultant)
- David Schwartz (Museum of the Moving Image)
- Dennis James (Silent Film Concerts)
- Devin Orgeron (North Carolina State University)
- Diana Katz (Mount Holyoke College)
- Diana Little (The MediaPreserve)
- Donald Crafton (University of Notre Dame)
- Donald Sosin (pianist/composer)
- Drake Stutesman (Framework)
- Dwight Swanson (Center for Home Movies)
- Elaine Charnov (independent)
- Elena Rossi-Snook (New York Public Library for the Performing Arts)
- Elias Savada (Motion Picture Information Service)
- Elizabeth Peterson (U of Oregon)
- Ellen Catsikeas (NYC)
- Emilio Oliveira (New Yorker Films)
- Emily Drummer (Hampshire College)
- Eric Kohn (indiewire)
- Erica Titkemeyer (NYU MIAP)
- Erik Piil (DuArt and Anthology Film Archives)
- Ersilia Melchiorre (Bennington College)
- Ethan de Seife (Hofstra University)
- Eugene Perl (Hessian Hills School)
- Eva Grizzard (Rockefeller Archive Center)
- Faye Ginsburg (NYU Council for the Study of Disability)
- Federica Liberi (NYU MIAP)
- Gail MacFarquhar (BET Networks)
- Gay Abel-Bey (NYU Film and Television)
- George Campbell (ORWO Film Distribution)
- Grace Lile (Witness.org)
- Greg Wilsbacher (USC MIRC)
- Guadalupe Salinas (NYU Film and Television)
- Hadi Gharabaghi (NYU Cinema Studies)
- Harrison Beck (NYU Tisch School of the Arts)
- Heather Hale (NYU)
- Heather Harkins (George Eastman House)
- Heather Heckman (USC Moving Image Research Collections)
- Herb Shellenberger (International House Philadelphia)
- Howard Besser (NYU MIAP)
- Hsin-Yuan Peng (NYU Cinema Studies)
- Hugo Barreca (Double R Foundation)
- Ina Diane Archer (NYWIFT/Women's Film Preservation Fund)
- Ioannis Papaloizou (Netflix)
- Isabel Arredondo (SUNY Plattsburgh)
- Ishita Srivastava (documentary filmmaker, Tisch Alum)
- Issa Garcia Ascot (Cineteca Nacional México)
- Ivan von Sauer (BBC Worldwide)
- Ivria Dubs (NYU Cinema Studies)
- Jaap Verheul (New York University)
- Jacqueline Stewart (Northwestern University)
- Jaime Partsch McMillan (Universidad del Este)
- Janine Gericke (student)
- Janine Lieberman (independent)
- Jay Schwartz (The Secret Cinema)
- Jeanne Burkhardt (Francena Feeding the Chickens)
- Jeanne Liotta (U of Colorado Boulder)
- Jeff Capp (Gartenberg Media Enterprises)
- Jeff Richardson (NYU)
- Jeffrey Economy (unafilliated)
- Jeffrey Schwartz (lillian.com)
- Jennifer Blaylock (UC Berkeley)
- Jennifer Horne (UC Santa Cruz)
- Jennifer Zwarich (NYU Cinema Studies)
- Jessica Frank (Whirlwind Pictures)
- Jessica Rosner (Flicker Alley)
- Jessica Storm (UCLA)
- Jieun An (NYU MIAP)
- Jim Bittl (HBO)
- Jo Clements (University of Salford)
- Jo Dery (Helen Hill Awardee)
- Joanne Bernardi (University of Rochester)
- Jodie Mack (Dartmouth College)
- Joe Blessing (Dartmouth College)
- Joel Neville Anderson (Japan Society / Museum of the Moving Image)
- Joel Schlemowitz (filmmaker)
- John Klacsmann (Anthology Film Archives)
- John Pettit (Urban Archives, Temple University)
- Jon Dieringer (NYU MIAP)
- Jon Gartenberg (Gartenberg Media Enterprises)
- Jonah Volk (NYPL)
- Jonathan Kahana (NYU and UC Santa Cruz)
- Jose Miguel Palacios (NYU)
- Joseph Gallucci (Pacifica Radio Archives)
- Josh Glick (Yale University)
- Josh Miller (Films Media Group)
- Jovita Dominguez (UCLA)
- Juana Suárez (New York University)
- Julia Ferehawk (SMIBE.ORG)
- Julia Gibbs (Univ of Chicago Film Studies Center)
- Julia Kim (NYU)
- Julia Nicoll (unattached)
- Julia Noordegraaf (University of Amsterdam)
- Julie Hubbert (University of South Carolina)
- Kara Van Malssen (AudioVisual Preservation Solutions)
- Karen Lund (Library of Congress)
- Karl G. Heider (Tokyo University)
- Katarina Stankovic (George Eastman House)
- Kate Dollenmayer (Bennington College)
- Kate Fitzpatrick (Selznick School of Film Preservation)
- Katelyn Attanasio (University of Maryland)
- Kathryn Gronsbell (NYU MIAP)
- Katie Bradshaw (NYU MIAP)
- Katy Martin (Katy Martin Studio)
- Kelly Haydon (NYU MIAP)
- Ken Fox (George Eastman House)
- Kimberly Tarr (NYPL)
- Kirsten Larvick (film editor/WFPF)
- Kramer O'Neill (designe, Orphans in Space)
- Kristin Harper (NYU Cinema Studies)
- Kristin MacDonough (NYU MIAP)
- Larry Jones (The Arc of Washington)
- Laura Kissel (University of South Carolina)
- Laura Major (Colorlab)
- Leo Goldsmith (NYU)
- Laurel Howard (Cinesthesia Festival of Filmusic)
- Lauren Sorensen (Bay Area Video Coalition)
- Laurie Duke (Grey Art Gallery; NYU MIAP)
- Leenke Ripmeester (EYE Film Institute Netherlands)
- Lillian Schwartz (filmmaker)
- Linda Fenstermaker (Hampshire College)
- Linda Witkowski (Mount Holyoke College)
- Lindy Leong (UCLA/SUNY Purchase)
- Livia Bloom (Icarus Films)
- Lisa Carter (Ohio State University Libraries)
- Lisa Flanzraich (Queens College, CUNY)
- Lisa Iacobellis (Ohio State University Libraries)
- Lori Donnelly (George Eastman House)
- Louis Massiah (Scribe Video Center)
- Lydia Pappas (USC MIRC)
- Lynn Emanual (poet)
- Madeline Fendley (University of Texas)
- Maggie Hennefeld (Brown University)
- Maija Howe (University of New South Wales, Australia)
- Manthia Diawara (NYU Cinema Studies)
- Margaret Parsons (National Gallery of Art)
- Maria Vinogradova (NYU)
- Marie Lascu (NYU MIAP)
- Mark G. Cooper (USC Moving Image Research Collections)
- Mark Quigley (UCLA Film and Television Archive)
- Mark J. Williams (Dartmouth College)
- Mark Street (filmmaker/Fordham University)
- Marsha Orgeron (North Carolina State University)
- Martha Harsanyi (Indiana University Libraries)
- Martin Johnson (University of North Carolina)
- Mary Desjardins (Dartmouth College)
- Mary Kerr (The Flaherty)
- Massimo Sammi (NYU Steinhardt Music: Program in Film Scoring)
- Matt Barry (Kino Lorber)
- Matt Smith (Emory U)
- Matthew Barton (Library of Congress)
- Matthew Epler (afilmarchive.net)
- May Haduong (Academy Film Archive)
- Melissa Dollman (Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe/Harvard)
- Melitte Buchman (NYU Bobst Library)
- Meredith Bak (UC Santa Barbara)
- Michael Rice (Hampshire College)
- Michal Begant (Czech National Film Archive)
- Michel Alexandre Reis (NYU Steinhardt Music: Program in Film Scoring)
- Michelle Kelley (NYU Cinema Studies)
- Mike Aronson (University of Oregon)
- Mitsuyo Wada-Marciano (Carleton University)
- Mona Jimenez (NYU MIAP)
- Nancy McLean Suniewick (Colorlab)
- Narim Kim (NYU Steinhardt Music: Program in Film Scoring)
- Nate Brennan (NYU Cinema Studies)
- Ned Thanhouser (Thanhouser Co. Film Preservation)
- Nell Cox (filmmaker)
- Neta Alexander (Union Docs)
- Nico de Klerk (orphanista)
- Nicole Martin (Human Rights Watch)
- Paul Fileri (NYU Cinema Studies)
- Paul Monticone (UT Austin)
- Paul Spehr (misc.)
- Paulina Suarez-Hesketh (NYU Cinema Studies)
- Pawarisa Nipawattanopong (NYU MIAP)
- Peggy Ahwesh (Bard College)
- Peter Bregman (This Space Available)
- Ping Chen (NYU)
- Rachael Stoeltje (Indiana University Libraries Film Archive)
- Rachael Rakes (Museum of the Moving Image)
- Ramesh Kumar (New York University)
- Rebecca Fraimow (NYU MIAP)
- Rebecca Losick
- Rebecca Reynolds (Colorlab)
- Reed Lowrie (Harvard University)
- Reto Kromer (reto.ch Ltd)
- Rich Daniel (NYU Cinema Studies)
- Richard Frank (Whirlwind Pictures)
- Richard Allen (NYU Cinema Studies)
- Rina Pantalony (Guide on Managing Intellectual Property for Museums)
- Rob Byrne (San Francisco Silent Film Festival)
- Robert Cargni (Film @ International House)
- Robert Strauss (The MediaPreservre)
- Robert Stam (NYU Cinema Studies)
- Robin Edgerton (freelance producer)
- Ron Hagell (artist / UK)
- Ron Mann (filmmaker)
- Ron Sadoff (NYU Steinhardt Music: Program in Film Scoring)
- Rosemary Rotondi (Archival Film and Photo Research)
- Ross Burkhardt (Francena Feeding the Chickens)
- Rudmer Canjels (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
- Rufus de Rham (NYU MIAP)
- Russ Suniewick (Colorlab Corp)
- Ruth Somalo (Spanish National Research Council)
- Ryan Shand (University of Glasgow)
- Sam Bryan (Julien Bryan Archives)
- Sarah Prindle (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
- Scott Wood (SMIBE.ORG)
- Sean Hanley (Proteus Gowanus)
- Sergei Kapterev (VGIK)
- Seth Anderson (New York University)
- Shari Kizirian (cultural journalist)
- Shira Peltzman (NYU MIAP)
- Shirley Smith (media educator)
- Siobhan Hagan (UCLA Library)
- Skip Elsheimer (A/V Geeks LLC)
- Sonia Misra (NYU)
- Stephanie Sapienza (American Archive)
- Stephen Parr (Oddball Film + Video)
- Steve Cossman (mono no aware)
- Steven Villereal (University of Virginia Library)
- Susan Courtney (U of South Carolina)
- Susan Dalton (Dalton Data Works)
- Susan Patrick (Ryerson University Library and Archives)
- Tanya Goldman (While Visions of Cinema Danced in My Head)
- Tanya Sleiman (Taza Films)
- Tara Kelley (NYPL)
- Taylor Dunne (University of Colorado)
- Taylor McBride (NYU MIAP)
- Taylor Whitney (Preserving the Past, LLC)
- Ted Kennedy (Ann Arbor Film Festival)
- Terri Francis (Yale University)
- Thom Powers (Montclair Film Festival)
- Thomas Elsaesser (Yale)
- Tiffany Vazquez (NYU Cinema Studies)
- Tim Wilson (UCLA Film and Television Archive)
- Tina Campt (Barnard College)
- Tom Gunning (University of Chicago)
- Trisha Lendo (UCLA Film and Television Archive)
- Tug Baker (orphanista)
- Vincent Borocci (NYU)
- Vojtěch Jasný (filmmaker)
- Walter Forsberg (NYU Libraries)
- Will Sweeney (Colorlab Film Corp)
- Winifred Wood (Wellesley College)
- Yinjie Wang
- Yongli Li (University of South Carolina)
- Yuki Nakayama (NYU Cinema Studies)
- Yvonne Ng (WITNESS)
- Yvonne Zimmermann (University of Zurich / NYU)
- Zack Lischer-Katz (NYU/Rutgers)
- Zoe Graham (NYU Cinema Studies)
9:21 PM
Apr 18, 2012
Orphans 8.1 -- gracias por todo, orphanistas.
Sponsors | Partners | Givers in-kind...
It takes a village.
It takes a village.
April 18, 2012.
Greenwich Village, USA
The 8th Orphan Film Symposium (aka "Orphans 8") is over.
From what I hear, the 300 or so people who came to Astoria's Museum of the Moving Image during April 11-14 had a good time, saw a lot of films they'd never seen, and went away stimulated by the talks, screenings, and conversation.
The postmortem will continue, but for now it's time to thank again the many organizations and people who make the biennial symposium and the year-round project possible.
NYU's Tisch School of the Arts and the school's Department of Cinema Studies and the department's master's program in Moving Image Archiving and Preservation remain the ongoing underwriters of the enterprise. And of course this time around Museum of the Moving Image invited us all into the grand building and theater, free of charge.
Among the supporters below, each plays a different role. Some contribute cash, others donate professional services in kind, and some do both. (Thank you!)
Colorlab <colorlab.com>
The MediaPreserve <themediapreserve.com>
Film Technology Company <filmtech.com>
Universal Studios Sound <universal.filmmakersdestination.com/content/bluwave-audio>
Kodak <kodak.com>
ABC&TaunusFilm (Wiesbaden) < abc-taunusfilm.de>
Mexican Cultural Institute of New York
BB Optics
American Paper Optics [donated the Chroma-depth spectacles for 3D viewing]
Kingston Technology [ donated the 2Gb flash drives]
Video Transfer Inc.
Technicolor Laboratories [donated 70mm clear leader]
Broadway Video Digital Media
New York Women in Film and Television
11:49 AM
Apr 6, 2012
Orphans... In Space!
Guest columnist Walter Forsberg is a Research Fellow at NYU Bobst Library and lead producer of Orphans in Space: Forgotten Films from the Final Frontier.
Orphan films are great but I whole-heartedly believe everything is better when outer space is involved. Here is a quick update on some space news: funding cuts to NASA’s space shuttle program and Mars missions are painting a very bleak picture for the future of space travel in the U.S. On the international level, the plans for space are a bit brighter, with the growth of China's space program, and North Korea’s announcement to launch a satellite into orbit, both of which are sparking a call for action in the U.S.
Neil deGrasse Tyson, director of the Hayden Planetarium and ostensibly the spokesperson for space, recently acquired the attention of the Senate, advocating for the development and funding of space programs. (Here is a longer version of his speech.) His new book, Space Chronicles, was released this past month. All of this activity, quite luckily, and either directly or indirectly, has led to this. Now, what a wonderful coincidence!
The well-timed Orphans in Space 2-disc DVD will be available this year at the Orphans 8 Symposium. Make sure to get yourself a copy!
A few key items may catch your attention. From 1947, Meteorites is a beautiful black and white film from Russia exploring the role of comets and the nature of the “falling stars.” One of three items from the Prelinger Archives is The Big Bounce, produced by Jerry Fairbanks during the height of the Cold War in 1960. It recounts the early years of satellite development and global telecommunications. Narration by Megan Prelinger, space and technology historian as well as co-principle of the Prelinger Archives, is available for this piece. Teenage Cosmonauts, from 1979 highlights the lessons, activities, and hopes of space and engineering aspirants in the U.S.S.R. These are only a few of the films on the first disc.
The second disc offers other orphan gems of the cosmos. The earliest film of the 2-disc collection, A Trip to the Planets, from the 1920s, appears to be an educational medley of films reflecting initial concepts and romantic ideals of space exploration. Beyond the Moon, 1960-62, is an engaging performance filmed in Kodachrome of model rockets and amateur animation. This is followed by two country songs, discussed previously, which were inspired by space and performed on The Flatt & Scruggs Grande Ole Opry Show, sometime around 1961. All films are excellent examples of how visions of space and the space race influenced the broad cultural landscapes.
Delightfully and appropriately, Tyson’s new book is dedicated “to all those who have not forgotten to dream about tomorrow.” Some particular favorites of mine, such as those listed above, reflect these words and the meaning behind them.
I hope you love space. I hope you love the thrill of adventure. I hope you love the journey as much as the destination, the sensation of dreaming, and the feeling of joy when those dreams become reality. Orphans in Space is a reflection of the enchantment of cosmos still holds on us and a reminder of the wonders that space inspires in us.
1:03 AM
Apr 4, 2012
The Science and Art of Obstetrics, Part 1
The 8th Orphan Film Symposium: Made to Persuade
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The Science and Art of Obstetrics, Part 1 (1931) |
The subject of the eighth biennial Orphan Film Symposium emerged from several projects already underway at the time of the seventh. Advertising films were the focus of a project involving the University of Amsterdam's Preservation & Presentation of the Moving Image master's program, the European Association of Film Archives, and the Nederlands Filmmuseum (now EYE). The University of South Carolina was reshaping its vast archive of films into Moving Image Research Collections, calling attention to important works alongside its vaultfuls of Fox newsfilm, such as Roman Vishniac science films and a recent acquisition of nearly a thousand films from the People's Republic of China. Interest in persuasion has been evident in recent media studies, including the new anthology Learning with Lights Off: Educational Films in the United States, itself derived from Orphans 6, Science, Industry, and Education. Cinema Studies at New York University has produced new scholarship around the many historical forms of nonfiction television and film that have rhetorically battled for ideological sway -- public affairs programs, army films, government campaigns, Chinese documentaries, and others. The Moving Image Archiving and Preservation master's program (MIAP) is notably infused with an activist-archivist ethos.
Looking at these issues with regards to orphan films, this symposium asks what neglected productions have influenced thought, opinion, and perception (or tried to)? The call for presentations generated more response than ever before. Dozens of excellent proposals had to be turned away. Nevertheless, with the fragmentary nature of orphans, some 100 items are on the program, presented by nearly as many speakers.
The presentation of Orphans 8 is made possible by Museum of the Moving Image, which invited the symposium into its newly renovated home. As film projection becomes increasingly rare, we salute the Museum's dedication to projecting 16, 35, and even 70mm films alongside the latest digital formats. With its impressive online exhibit of U.S. presidential campaign commercials, The Living Room Candidate, Moving Image is an apt partner for Made to Persuade.
The Orphan Film Symposium is now one part of a collaborative year-round research and preservation initiative we can call the Orphan Film Project. An international network of individuals and institutions participate. Thanks to NYU's Tisch School of the Arts and the Department of Cinema Studies events can be mounted, projects integrated into curriculum, and collaborations established. With NYU Libraries, we are now able to produce DVD collections of orphan films shared by partner archives.
Since the previous symposium, Orphan Film events have taken place in San Francisco, New York, Los Angeles, Madison, and Mexico City. Plans are afoot for the Midwest and Europe.
2:53 AM
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