It's true. The 7th Orphan Film Symposium (April 7-10, 2010) will not be in fair Culpeper, Virginia, as originally announced. New York City is taking the baby back. It's an NYU production, but we will be using the School of Visual Arts Theater.
The Orphan Film Symposium marks its seventh biennial gathering of archivists, scholars, curators, collectors, and media artists devoted to saving, studying, and screening neglected moving images. NYU Cinema Studies is pleased to partner with the School of Visual Arts in Chelsea. All
sessions will take place in its new, state-of-the-art cinema space at 333 W. 23rd Street: the Visual Arts Theater.
Registration is limited to 280 seats.
30 hours of programming in 4 nights and 3 days
40 speakers and presenters
THEME of Orphans 7:
Moving Pictures Around the World
Following on the internationalism evident at the 2008 Orphan Film Symposium (at which 18 nations were represented), Orphans 7 focuses on transnational and global issues. How
have moving images circulated across national and other boundaries? How are neglected archival materials accessed and used across and within borders?

More than 40 presenters will address topics including: film repatriation; mobility and travel; regional and transnational cinemas
; issues of migration and global/local dynamics; heritage, cultural property, and developing nations; the World-Wide Web as de facto archive; the work of international associations in media preservation and access; and the many forms of neglected archival material that shed light on globalism or the transnational aspects of history and archiving. See and hear new works by media artists, including the recipient of the 2010 Helen Hill Award, given to innovative, independent filmmakers.
Proposals are still being accepted, though much of the content is already selected. The program will be posted here by October 1.
scheduled highlights
• ▲ NYU's two Audio-Visual Preservation Exchange projects, with newly preserved films from Ghana's Dept of Information Services and from the Museo del Cine de Buenos Aires
NFPF's repatriation of American silent films from the National Film and Sound Archive of Australia
• ▲ Paolo Cherchi Usai (Haghefilm Foundation) the history of film repatriation
▲ Film ist. A Girl and a Gun (2009) Gustav Deutsch & Hanna Schimek, Vienna
▲ NYU Library's rediscovery of With the Abraham Lincoln Brigade in Spain (1938), the first film by Henri Cartier-Bresson[!]
▲ David Francis & Joss March on magic lanternry
▲ Vanessa Toulmin (Univ of Sheffield) Edison films, 1894-95, repatriated from the UK
▲ Bill Brand, Andrew Lampert, and Mark Toscano on experimental restorations
▲ women amateur filmmakers in New Zealand/Aotearoa, India, China, Egypt, Algeria, Japan, the Philippines
▲ new Fox Movietone newsreel preservation from the University of South Carolina's Moving Image Research Collections & Library of Congress
▲ The Augustas (1957-58) an amateur film by Scott Nixon, presented by Mark G. Cooper and Heidi Rae Cooley (U of South Carolina)
▲ Another Pilgrim (1968) Elaine Summer's sponsored film for the World Council of Churches
▲ El Colégio Nacional de Buenos Aires (1923) filmed by Pablo Ducrós, later founder of the Museo del Cine
▲ Stefan Drössler (Munich Filmmuseum) with Orson Welles Sketchbook (1955)
▲ Sergei Kapterev on 2 rediscovered reels (from Gosfilmofon) of Mikhail Kalatozov’s Georgian documentary Their Kingdom (1928)
▲ Nico de Klerk (Nederlands Filmmuseum) and Julia Noordegraaf (Univ of Amsterdam) city promotion films
▲ Center for Home Movies preservations: Wallace Kelly's Kodachrome film of Mt. Rushmore, 1938; Helen Hill's New Orleans
▲ Jiří Horníček, Národní Filmový Archiv films
▲ Terri Francis (Yale) the Jamaica Film Unit's Parables, 1951-1957
▲ Origin of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata (Edison, 1909)
▲ One Tenth of a Nation (1940) introduced by Carol Radovich (Rockefeller Archive Center) and Julie Hubbert (University of South Carolina)
▲ restorations of 17.5mm films from Europe (Haghefilm, Nederlands Filmmuseum, & Martina Roepke) and the U.S. (Colorlab and Michael Rothschild)