Jun 5, 2009

Moving pictures from APEX Ghana

The NYU Audio-Visual Preservation Exchange (APEX) that Professor Mona Jimenez launched last year began with partnerships in Ghana. While the Orphan Film Symposium group was in Buenos Aires, Mona was in Accra, with Kara Van Malssen (NYU Fellow; MIAP '06), Jennifer Blaylock (MIAP '10), Mick Newnham (NFSA Australia), and Ishumael Zinyengere (archivist for the Tanzania-based International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda). This was the second year in a row that Mona and Kara have gone to Ghana to give archival training workshops.

The Ghana group has a similarly successful trip to report.

KaraVan has posted her first batch of photographs.


Beautiful images.

Photo by Kara Van Malssen.